Reuters World News Summary

Reuters | Updated: 16-06-2023 05:22 IST | Created: 16-06-2023 05:22 IST
Reuters World News Summary

Following is a summary of current world news briefs.

Qatar emir in Baghdad, MOUs on energy, investment signed -statement

Qatar's Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani arrived in Baghdad on Thursday on an official visit to discuss regional political matters and enhance bilateral relations, the government said in a statement. Qatar's Emir is visiting Baghdad on an invitation by the Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed al-Sudani, said a government spokesman, Basim al-Awadi.

Australia's visa overhaul leaves Chinese millionaires in limbo

In 2018 Paul Wang left his home in Beijing to start a new life in Australia, investing A$1 million ($680,000) in a food processing business in the hopes of qualifying for permanent residency under the country's investment visa scheme.

Five years on, his hopes for his family of three remain on hold as the government has put the controversial "Golden Visa" programme on the back burner, causing processing times to blow out, leaving wealthy migrants like Wang in limbo.

Russia tries to signal normalcy as Ukraine forces advance

Russia announced plans on Thursday to stage elections in occupied parts of Ukraine in just three months, Moscow's latest bid to signal it is in control even as a Ukrainian counteroffensive has pushed its forces back in some areas. The Ukrainian assault is in its early stages, and military experts say the decisive battles still lie ahead. But corpses of Russian soldiers and burnt-out armoured vehicles lining the roadside in villages newly recaptured by Ukrainian troops attested to Kyiv's biggest advances since last year.

How migrant tragedy unfolded on the high seas off Greece

As Greece confronts its worst sea disaster in years, questions are mounting about how potentially hundreds of migrants drowned even as their vessel was being shadowed by the Greek coastguard. At least 78 people died when the fishing vessel flipped and capsized in international waters south-west of Greece early on Wednesday. Authorities rescued 104 people but hundreds are feared missing, with some witnesses saying up to 750 people were aboard.

IAEA spokesman: gunfire briefly halted convoy, but no immediate danger

A spokesman for the U.N.'s nuclear watchdog said on Thursday that gunfire briefly halted a convoy heading back to Ukrainian-held territory after a visit to the Russian-controlled Zaporizhzhia nuclear power station, but the delegation was in no immediate danger. "Convoy was stopped and gunfire was distinctly heard for a few minutes but the convoy was not in immediate danger. The agency doesn't have any other information about the incident,"

At least 15 die after truck hits bus carrying elderly people in Manitoba, Canada

At least 15 people were killed in the Canadian prairie province of Manitoba on Thursday after a semi-trailer truck hit a small bus that was carrying a group of mainly elderly people, local police said. The crash is one of the most lethal road accidents in recent Canadian history. Separately, the Winnipeg Free Press newspaper said the victims had been on their way to a local casino.

Cyclone Biparjoy makes landfall in India's Gujarat coast near Pakistan

Cyclone Biparjoy made landfall in India's Gujarat coast near Pakistan border late on Thursday evening, India weather office said, as strong winds and heavy rain lashed coastal areas of the two countries. "Landfall process is continuing and by midnight it will be completely over the land. Part of the eye (of cyclone) is over the land," the India Meteorological Department said in its latest bulletin.

Greece scours shipwreck site; hundreds feared drowned in boat's hold

Rescuers scoured the seas off Greece on Thursday following a shipwreck that killed at least 78 migrants, as hopes of survivors dwindled and fears grew that hundreds more, including children, may have drowned inside the crowded vessel's hold. Reports suggested between 400 and 750 people had packed the fishing boat that capsized and sank early on Wednesday morning in deep waters about 50 miles (80 km) from the southern coastal town of Pylos. Greek authorities said 104 survivors had been brought ashore.

Finland's right-wing parties strike deal to form government

Finland's conservative National Coalition (NCP), winner of April's parliamentary election, has reached agreement to form a majority government with the eurosceptic, anti-immigration Finns Party and two smaller groups, its leader said on Thursday.

"All issues have been resolved and the papers are ready," said NCP leader Petteri Orpo, a fiscal conservative set to become Finland's next prime minister, referring to the government program.

Italy launches 'Berlusconi' legal reform to bolster rights of accused

Italy's cabinet on Thursday approved a justice reform aimed at strengthening the rights of defendants, measures long advocated by former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi who died this week after years of legal battles with prosecutors. The bill, which Giorgia Meloni's rightist government dedicated to Berlusconi, curbs the use of wiretaps, complicates procedures for ordering arrests and scraps the crime of abuse of office, among a raft of steps to clip the wings of prosecutors.

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