U.S. Embassy congratulates PM Abiy Ahmed for receiving Nobel Peace Prize

We join all Ethiopians as they celebrate this proud moment for Prime Minister Abiy and the people of Ethiopia.

Devdiscourse News Desk | Addis Ababa | Updated: 11-10-2019 17:21 IST | Created: 11-10-2019 17:21 IST
U.S. Embassy congratulates PM Abiy Ahmed for receiving Nobel Peace Prize
The United States remains fully committed to supporting Ethiopia’s people and government as they build their democratic and prosperous future. Image Credit: Twitter / Office of the Prime Minister - Ethiopia
  • Country:
  • Ethiopia

U.S. Embassy Addis Ababa congratulates His Excellency Dr. Abiy Ahmed, Prime Minister of Ethiopia, on being the 100th recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize for his “…efforts to achieve peace and international cooperation and his decisive initiative to resolve the border conflict with neighboring Eritrea.” We join all Ethiopians as they celebrate this proud moment for Prime Minister Abiy and the people of Ethiopia.

This prestigious award highlights the incredible progress under Dr. Abiy’s leadership as Prime Minister.  In addition to his extraordinary efforts to rebuild relations with Eritrea, Dr. Abiy has shown a commitment to the values of democracy and inclusive development by opening up political space, strengthening freedom of the press, releasing political prisoners, and working for the transformation of Ethiopia’s economy.  The United States remains fully committed to supporting Ethiopia’s people and government as they build their democratic and prosperous future.

(With Inputs from APO)

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