Unity or Conflict? South Africa's Coalition Government Challenges Deep-Rooted Racial Tensions

South Africa's new coalition government has brought President Cyril Ramaphosa's ANC together with the white-led DA, sparking both hope for unity and concern over racial tensions. While the coalition aims to tackle socioeconomic problems, the historical context of apartheid and recent racist incidents have reignited racial rifts.

PTI | Capetown | Updated: 22-06-2024 09:42 IST | Created: 22-06-2024 09:42 IST
Unity or Conflict? South Africa's Coalition Government Challenges Deep-Rooted Racial Tensions

In a country once marred by racial segregation, South Africa's new coalition government represents an image of unity, combining a Black president and a white opposition leader.

President Cyril Ramaphosa's African National Congress (ANC) and the Democratic Alliance (DA) formed a coalition following the landmark May 29 election. This unprecedented power-sharing agreement has reopened old racial rifts, particularly among Black South Africans, who remain wary of white-led political presence given the lingering effects of apartheid.

The DA faced criticism after one of its white lawmakers, Renaldo Gouws, was suspended for racist remarks made years ago. The incident has raised questions about the DA's commitment to racial equality, further complicating the party's reputation amidst a deeply polarized society.

Despite these challenges, both parties continue to promote the coalition as essential for addressing South Africa's pressing socioeconomic issues. The African National Congress envisions this partnership as a continuation of Mandela's ideals for a unified nation, regardless of racial differences.

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