Cyril Ramaphosa's Second Term: A Historic Coalition Government in South Africa

Cyril Ramaphosa sworn in for a second term as President of South Africa, leading a coalition government with the Democratic Alliance after the ANC lost its parliamentary majority for the first time in 30 years. Ramaphosa emphasized unity and committed to serving the people and advancing their interests despite political challenges.

PTI | Johannesburg | Updated: 19-06-2024 17:49 IST | Created: 19-06-2024 17:49 IST
Cyril Ramaphosa's Second Term: A Historic Coalition Government in South Africa
Cyril Ramaphosa
  • Country:
  • South Africa

Cyril Ramaphosa has been inaugurated for a second term as South Africa's President, heading a coalition government, on Wednesday. This historic event comes despite his party, the African National Congress (ANC), failing to secure a parliamentary majority in last month's election, marking a significant shift in South African politics.

In an unprecedented alliance, the ANC and the Democratic Alliance (DA) have set aside their longstanding rivalry to form a government of national unity. The ANC secured 40 per cent of the vote while the DA garnered 22 per cent, making it imperative for both parties to collaborate.

During his swearing-in at the Union Buildings in Pretoria, Ramaphosa, 71, vowed to uphold the constitution. Addressing thousands of guests and international representatives, he highlighted the importance of unity and denounced those attempting to sow division. He reaffirmed his commitment to democratic principles and the welfare of all South Africans as the country embarks on a new chapter under a coalition government.

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