Trump's Scorching Las Vegas Rally: Misting Fans, Medics, and High Stakes

Donald Trump's campaign is preparing for extreme heat at an upcoming rally in Las Vegas by hiring extra medics, providing ample water and fans, and allowing supporters to bring umbrellas. The rally, set for an outdoor venue, marks Trump's return to a key battleground state. The impact of his recent legal troubles on swing voters remains to be seen.

PTI | Lasvegas | Updated: 09-06-2024 17:51 IST | Created: 09-06-2024 17:51 IST
Trump's Scorching Las Vegas Rally: Misting Fans, Medics, and High Stakes
Donald Trump

In anticipation of soaring temperatures at an upcoming Las Vegas rally, Donald Trump's campaign is enlisting additional medics and equipping the venue with water bottles, fans, and other cooling measures. Supporters will be allowed to bring umbrellas, a rare exception by the US Secret Service, as temperatures are expected to exceed 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

This rally marks Trump's second event in Nevada since his conviction in a hush-money scandal. While the conviction has boosted his fundraising and energized his base, its effect on swing voters is uncertain. Trump's campaign aims to capitalize on his appeal among working-class and Latino voters to secure a win in this critical battleground state.

Despite temperatures remaining above average for this time of year, campaign organizers assure that ample cooling provisions will be in place. This comes after 11 people at a recent rally in Arizona required hospital treatment for heat exhaustion. Trump's Nevada event follows a series of high-dollar fundraising endeavors during a Western swing tour aimed at amassing millions for his campaign.

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