Tragic Loss: Young Girl Mauled by Stray Dogs
In a tragic incident, a five-year-old girl named Samreen Kouser was attacked and killed by stray dogs in Shahdra village. Despite rushed efforts to save her, she succumbed to severe injuries. The incident has raised concerns about stray dog management in the area.
- Country:
- India
In a heartbreaking incident, a five-year-old girl, Samreen Kouser, was fatally attacked by a pack of stray dogs on Wednesday in a village. Authorities report that the incident occurred while Kouser was on her way home from school near Shahdra village in the Thanamandi sub-division.
The young girl suffered severe injuries during the attack, and despite the efforts of locals who quickly responded to her cries for help, she was tragically pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital.
This devastating event has sparked discussions on the urgent need for effective management of stray dog populations in the region to prevent such incidents in the future.
(With inputs from agencies.)
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