Behind Bars: The Evan Gershkovich Espionage Trial

Wall Street Journal journalist Evan Gershkovich went to trial in Russia for espionage, a charge he, his employers, and the US government deny. Arrested in March 2023, he remains detained amid contentious US-Russia relations. A possible prisoner swap is on the table but awaits a verdict.

PTI | Yekaterinburg | Updated: 26-06-2024 22:11 IST | Created: 26-06-2024 22:11 IST
Behind Bars: The Evan Gershkovich Espionage Trial
Evan Gershkovich
  • Country:
  • Russian Federation

Wall Street Journal journalist Evan Gershkovich, on trial for alleged espionage, faced closed courtroom proceedings in Yekaterinburg. Charges, which he and US officials deny, hang over him since his March 2023 arrest. Watched closely by international observers, the case could lead to a prisoner swap post-verdict.

Thirty-two-year-old Gershkovich, behind a glass defendants' cage, appeared collected despite his uncertain fate. The regime accused him of gathering secret information for the US without presenting evidence. Russia's high-conviction courts and elastic espionage laws make his prospects dire.

A possible prisoner exchange remains in the air, pending a verdict anticipated months away. His case has garnered significant attention amidst troubled US-Russia relations worsened by the Ukraine conflict. Journalists and officials decry his continued imprisonment as a stark attack on press freedom.

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