China Strikes Back: Lockheed Martin Execs Sanctioned Over Taiwan Arms Deal

China has imposed sanctions on Lockheed Martin's senior executives in response to the United States' arms sales to Taiwan. The sanctions include freezing property and barring entry into China. This measure is part of China's ongoing effort to penalize U.S. companies for their involvement with Taiwan, which Beijing claims as its territory.

Reuters | Beijing | Updated: 21-06-2024 14:44 IST | Created: 21-06-2024 14:44 IST
China Strikes Back: Lockheed Martin Execs Sanctioned Over Taiwan Arms Deal
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China imposed countermeasures on Lockheed Martin's relevant entities and senior executives on Friday over the United States' arms sales to Taiwan, a foreign ministry statement showed.

China will freeze movable, immovable and other kinds of property of Lockheed Martin's senior executives including its chairman James Donald Taiclet, and will bar them from entering the country.

China has applied sanctions on U.S. companies including Lockheed before for selling arms to democratically governed Taiwan, which Beijing claims as part of its territory.

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