IEC Confirms Attempted Break-In at Gauteng Provincial Warehouse

In a statement, the Commission confirmed, "The commission can confirm that nothing was taken from the warehouse."

Devdiscourse News Desk | Pretoria | Updated: 20-06-2024 23:00 IST | Created: 20-06-2024 23:00 IST
IEC Confirms Attempted Break-In at Gauteng Provincial Warehouse
The IEC expressed gratitude to the South African Police Service for their prompt response, which ensured the safety of IEC staff and the security of the stored materials. Image Credit: Twitter(@GovernmentZA)
  • Country:
  • South Africa

The Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) has reported an incident of attempted unauthorized entry at its Gauteng provincial warehouse by unidentified individuals on Tuesday night.

To facilitate the efficient storage of electoral supplies close to their points of use, the IEC expands its network of storage sites before each election. After the conclusion of the 2024 National and Provincial Elections, materials are collected and stored at a central facility for safekeeping.

During the process of transporting materials from a local storage site in Johannesburg's inner city to the provincial warehouse, a group of individuals interfered with the handling of the materials and followed the transport truck to the warehouse. Upon arrival, the group attempted to forcefully gain entry into the warehouse.

In a statement, the Commission confirmed, "The commission can confirm that nothing was taken from the warehouse."

The IEC expressed gratitude to the South African Police Service for their prompt response, which ensured the safety of IEC staff and the security of the stored materials. A case has been registered, and the South African Police Service is currently investigating the incident.

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