Government of National Unity: President Emphasizes Job Creation and National Interests

Addressing a gathered crowd at the South Lawns of the Union Buildings, President Ramaphosa emphasized job creation as a primary objective for the unified government.

Devdiscourse News Desk | Pretoria | Updated: 20-06-2024 18:35 IST | Created: 20-06-2024 18:35 IST
Government of National Unity: President Emphasizes Job Creation and National Interests
Image Credit: Twitter(@PresidencyZA)
  • Country:
  • South Africa

President Cyril Ramaphosa, following his swearing-in ceremony for the seventh administration, expressed a strong commitment to advancing the interests of all South Africans through the newly established Government of National Unity (GNU). Addressing a gathered crowd at the South Lawns of the Union Buildings, President Ramaphosa emphasized job creation as a primary objective for the unified government.

"We want to create jobs. We are committed to ensuring that every member of the Government of National Unity contributes to this goal. I will ensure that this commitment translates into action," President Ramaphosa declared.

The establishment of the GNU marks a significant moment in South Africa's political landscape, aimed at fostering cooperation across political parties to govern collectively and address national priorities.

Chief Justice Raymond Zondo administered the oath of office to President Ramaphosa during the inauguration ceremony, underscoring the formal commencement of the new administration.

In his address, President Ramaphosa called upon all political factions within the GNU to collaborate effectively in serving the nation. "The people of South Africa have not empowered a single party to govern alone. They have entrusted us with a Government of National Unity to work together for the common good," he asserted.

The ceremony, attended by former Presidents of South Africa and international dignitaries, drew a significant audience of ordinary citizens eager to witness this historic event. President Ramaphosa highlighted the profound significance of this moment, describing it as the dawn of a new era for the country.

"This Government of National Unity represents a pivotal juncture in our history. It signifies our collective commitment to building a better future for all South Africans," President Ramaphosa remarked.

The inauguration, coinciding with the nation's celebration of 30 years of freedom and democracy since the first democratic elections on April 27, 1994, holds particular significance. This anniversary serves as a reminder of South Africa's journey towards democracy and the continued pursuit of inclusive governance.

As the GNU begins its work, President Ramaphosa's administration aims to tackle pressing issues such as job creation, economic growth, and social cohesion, guided by the principles of unity and collaboration across political divides.

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