President Ramaphosa Swears in for Second Term, Emphasizes Unity and Cooperation

President Ramaphosa acknowledged the public’s expectation for leaders to set aside differences and work together for the nation's benefit.

Devdiscourse News Desk | Pretoria | Updated: 19-06-2024 22:18 IST | Created: 19-06-2024 22:18 IST
President Ramaphosa Swears in for Second Term, Emphasizes Unity and Cooperation
Image Credit: Twitter(@PresidencyZA)
  • Country:
  • South Africa

19 June 2024 is a landmark day for South Africa as President Cyril Ramaphosa took his Oath of Office, marking the start of the seventh administration and the formation of a Government of National Unity.

Following the 29 May National and Provincial Elections, which were conducted fairly according to the South African Human Rights Commission, South Africa's democracy has shown its maturity since its early days in 1994. Despite no party winning an outright majority, the necessity for collaboration among different political formations echoes the country's initial steps towards democracy.

In his inaugural speech at the Union Buildings in Pretoria, President Ramaphosa highlighted the significance of the Government of National Unity, stating, “It is the beginning of a new era.” He emphasized that this unity requires a common mission focused on safeguarding national unity, peace, stability, inclusive economic growth, non-racialism, and non-sexism.

President Ramaphosa acknowledged the public’s expectation for leaders to set aside differences and work together for the nation's benefit. He called on political parties to collaborate towards a growing economy, better jobs, safer communities, and a government that serves its people. He noted that parties across the political spectrum have committed to this cause, understanding that cooperation is essential for governance and law-making.

The President mentioned that similar to the Government of National Unity formed 30 years ago, today's leaders have agreed to work together to address pressing national challenges. They have adopted a Statement of Intent, committing to rapid, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, tackling poverty, safeguarding workers' rights, stabilizing government, building state capacity, and pursuing a foreign policy based on human rights, solidarity, and peace.

President Ramaphosa invited all sectors of society to participate in a National Dialogue to address the country's critical challenges, emphasizing the collective effort required to achieve these goals. He concluded by urging all South Africans to contribute to realizing the aspirations of the National Development Plan, turning the dream of a better South Africa into reality.

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