VP Dhankhar Stresses Need for Regulating Information to Combat Fake News

Praising India as the world’s most vibrant democracy, Dhankhar noted that government legitimacy relies heavily on public trust.

Devdiscourse News Desk | New Delhi | Updated: 18-06-2024 22:33 IST | Created: 18-06-2024 22:33 IST
VP Dhankhar Stresses Need for Regulating Information to Combat Fake News
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Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar emphasized the critical need to regulate information to prevent the potentially catastrophic impact of unregulated data and fake news. Addressing Indian Information Service (IIS) officer trainees at the Vice President’s Enclave, he remarked, “Information is power, information is too dangerous a power, information is that power which has to be regulated.”

Acknowledging the effectiveness of social media responses by state actors in countering manipulated and false information, Vice President Dhankhar urged the young officers to swiftly neutralize misinformation. “You have to nip the fake news in the bud,” he instructed.

Dhankhar highlighted the potential damage misinformation can cause to both institutions and individuals, questioning, “Who protects the individual if there is a fake narrative set afloat on social media about an individual?” He encouraged the officer trainees to act as "information warriors," defending the privacy and reputation of affected parties.

Praising India as the world’s most vibrant democracy, Dhankhar noted that government legitimacy relies heavily on public trust. He told the officers, “As IIS officers, you are enjoined and equipped to act as a bridge between citizens and their elected government.”

Expressing concern over attempts to tarnish and undermine institutions through false narratives, Dhankhar called for prompt counteraction. He identified these harmful actors as a small group with pernicious agendas operating both domestically and internationally. “You are the warriors,” he reiterated to the young officers.

Dhankhar also emphasized the importance of countering biased narratives set by global media, insisting that such external influences should not shape India’s image. “Global media setting biased narrative has to be blunted,” he stated.

He further encouraged the officers to promote India's development narrative globally, highlighting the nation’s rich cultural heritage and diverse civilization. “Let the world know what kind of a country we are. We are a country without a parallel; we are a country that has a rich cultural heritage and diversity. Our 5000 years civilization ethos required to be known to the world,” he said.

Addressing the significant threat posed by misinformation to peace, stability, and democracy in the digital age, Dhankhar warned that misinformation could severely impact national security and defense. Describing information as the most potent weapon and the fifth dimension of war, he cautioned against the dangers posed by manipulative, divisive narratives.

Vice President Dhankhar also advised the probationers to stay updated with the latest technologies, acknowledging that accurate ground feedback is crucial for effective policy formulation. He commended the IIS officers for their role in the recent Lok Sabha elections, particularly their efforts in increasing voter awareness and participation in the world’s largest democracy.

The event was attended by Shri Sunil Kumar Gupta, Secretary to the Vice President of India; Shri Sanjay Jaju, Secretary, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting; Dr. Anupama Bhatnagar, Director General, IIMC, Delhi; Shri C. Senthil Rajan, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting; senior officials; and officer trainees from the 2022 and 2023 batches.

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