Consumer Affairs Leads Effort Against Dark Patterns in E-commerce

Smt. Nidhi Khare, Secretary of the Department, underscored the gravity of using dark patterns, likening it to unfair trade practices that infringe upon consumer rights.

Devdiscourse News Desk | New Delhi | Updated: 18-06-2024 20:09 IST | Created: 18-06-2024 20:09 IST
Consumer Affairs Leads Effort Against Dark Patterns in E-commerce
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Today, the Department of Consumer Affairs engaged in an interactive session focused on "Dark Patterns and Strategies to Implement the Guidelines," emphasizing the critical need to combat deceptive practices prevalent on online platforms. Smt. Nidhi Khare, Secretary of the Department, underscored the gravity of using dark patterns, likening it to unfair trade practices that infringe upon consumer rights.

The session addressed various strategies to mitigate dark patterns, urging e-commerce platforms to prioritize consumer feedback, satisfaction metrics, and user behavior analytics. It advocated for self-auditing mechanisms and leveraging technological tools to identify and rectify deceptive interface designs.

In November 2023, the Department introduced the "Guidelines for Prevention and Regulation of Dark Patterns 2023," identifying 13 specific dark patterns including False Urgency, Basket Sneaking, Confirm Shaming, and Subscription Traps. These guidelines aim to standardize practices and enhance transparency in consumer interactions online.

A significant initiative, the Dark Patterns Buster Hackathon (DPBH-2023), conducted in collaboration with IIT BHU, concluded successfully on March 15, 2024. This four-round event spurred the development of innovative solutions such as browser extensions and mobile apps to detect and combat dark patterns effectively. Over 150 colleges participated nationwide, highlighting widespread concern and commitment to combating deceptive online practices.

The interactive session, attended by stakeholders including IIT BHU and industry leaders from prominent companies like Zomato, Uber, and CRED, featured a compelling demonstration from IIT BHU students. They showcased an extension tool under development that utilizes advanced technologies like Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative AI to identify and alert users about dark patterns on e-commerce platforms.

The collaboration between the Department and IIT BHU was commended for its innovative approach, with industry stakeholders pledging support to enhance detection mechanisms using their datasets. This cooperative effort marks a significant step towards fostering transparency and safeguarding consumer interests in the digital marketplace.

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