Israeli and Palestinian forces commit war crimes in Gaza since Oct 2023: UN Report

The Commission also found that Palestinian armed groups are responsible for war crimes committed in Israel.

Devdiscourse News Desk | Geneva | Updated: 13-06-2024 16:21 IST | Created: 13-06-2024 16:21 IST
Israeli and Palestinian forces commit war crimes in Gaza since Oct 2023: UN Report
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Israeli authorities have committed war crimes and crimes against humanity during military operations in Gaza since 7 October 2023, according to a new report by the UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel. The Commission also found that Palestinian armed groups are responsible for war crimes committed in Israel.

The Commission's report, the first in-depth UN investigation of the events since October 2023, is based on interviews with victims and witnesses, open-source items, satellite imagery, and forensic reports. Israel obstructed the Commission’s investigations by denying access to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

The report states that Israeli authorities are responsible for crimes including starvation, murder, attacks on civilians, forcible transfer, sexual violence, torture, and arbitrary detention. It also notes that Palestinian armed groups committed crimes such as intentional attacks on civilians, murder, torture, and hostage-taking.

The report highlights the immense civilian casualties in Gaza, resulting from Israel's use of heavy weapons in densely populated areas. It criticizes the Israeli evacuation orders as inadequate and finds the blockade on Gaza amounts to collective punishment.

The Commission calls for immediate cessation of military operations, an end to the siege of Gaza, and the release of hostages. It recommends compliance with international laws and cooperation with the International Criminal Court.

The report will be presented to the Human Rights Council’s 56th session on 19 June 2024 in Geneva, accompanied by two additional detailed reports on the conflict.

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