Court Adjourns Hearing on Renaming Lahore Chowk After Bhagat Singh

The Lahore High Court adjourned the hearing of a petition seeking contempt proceedings against the government for not renaming a chowk after Bhagat Singh. The adjournment was requested as a respondent was abroad. The petition highlights persistent delays in honoring Bhagat Singh, a revered freedom fighter.

PTI | Lahore | Updated: 08-06-2024 16:51 IST | Created: 08-06-2024 16:51 IST
Court Adjourns Hearing on Renaming Lahore Chowk After Bhagat Singh
Bhagat Singh
  • Country:
  • Pakistan

In a significant development on Friday, the Lahore High Court deferred the hearing of a petition demanding contempt proceedings against the government for not renaming a prominent chowk after Bhagat Singh, a revered independence hero. The case is now scheduled for September 13, following a request from one of the respondents who is currently abroad.

During the session, Assistant Advocate General Punjab Asghar Laghari informed the court that Deputy Commissioner, Lahore, Rafia Haider, is unavailable due to her overseas commitments. This prompted the court to delay further hearings to accommodate her presence.

The petition, filed by the Bhagat Singh Memorial Foundation Pakistan, led by Imtiaz Rasheed Qureshi, highlights repeated delays in renaming Shadman Chowk after Bhagat Singh, who was executed by colonial British rulers at the site in 1931. The petitioner stressed the importance of honoring Singh's legacy to inspire future generations.

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