Hunter Biden's Federal Gun Case: High Stakes and Political Implications Unfold in Court

Opening statements are set in the federal gun case against Hunter Biden after jury selection concluded. Charged with three felonies from a 2018 firearm purchase, Biden pleads not guilty, arguing political targeting. The case emerges amid intense scrutiny, impacting the 2024 election climate.

PTI | Wilmington | Updated: 04-06-2024 10:08 IST | Created: 04-06-2024 10:08 IST
Hunter Biden's Federal Gun Case: High Stakes and Political Implications Unfold in Court
Hunter Biden
  • Country:
  • United States

Opening statements are slated for Tuesday as the federal gun case against President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, gets underway. The trial follows jury selection attended by the First Lady and support messages from the President.

Hunter Biden, facing three felony charges related to a 2018 firearm purchase, maintained his innocence. Accused of lying about his drug use on the firearm application and possessing the gun illegally, Biden argues that he is being politically targeted.

As the trial proceeds, its timing amid the 2024 election cycle and recent legal issues surrounding former President Donald Trump amplify its political implications. The case not only affects Hunter Biden but potentially has far-reaching consequences for the Biden administration.

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