Health Ministry issues Advisory on Heat Wave Preparedness

The comprehensive advisory underscores India's proactive approach in preparing healthcare systems and communities to cope with the challenges posed by heatwaves.

Devdiscourse News Desk | New Delhi | Updated: 19-06-2024 22:19 IST | Created: 19-06-2024 22:19 IST
Health Ministry issues Advisory on Heat Wave Preparedness
Delhi Heatwave Image Credit:
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  • India

On June 19, 2024, Union Health Minister Shri J P Nadda convened a crucial review meeting with senior officials of the Health Ministry to assess the heatwave situation across India and the preparedness of hospitals in dealing with potential heat-related health challenges.

Key Directives and Initiatives:

Hospital Preparedness: Shri Nadda directed officials to ensure that all hospitals are equipped to provide optimal healthcare services to individuals affected by heatwaves. Specialized heatwave units are to be established in central government hospitals to enhance readiness.

Issuance of Advisory: Under the Health Minister's directives, the Health Ministry released an advisory aimed at State Health Departments concerning the 2024 heatwave season. The advisory emphasizes proactive measures to mitigate the health impacts of extreme heat.

Guidelines Dissemination: State Nodal Officers under the National Programme for Climate Change and Human Health (NPCCHH) are tasked with disseminating critical guidelines to all districts. These include:

National Action Plan on Heat Related Illnesses

Strengthening Health Systems Preparedness for Heat Related Illnesses in India

National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) guidelines for heatwave prevention and management.

Implementation of Heat-Health Action Plan: States are urged to implement the Heat-Health Action Plan as part of their broader State Action Plan on Climate Change and Human Health (SAPCCHH). This includes developing district-specific and city-level plans to ensure preparedness and effective response during heatwave seasons.

Surveillance and Reporting: Health facilities are required to start daily reporting of data on heatstroke cases, deaths, emergency attendance, and total deaths from March 01, 2024. Data submission will be through the IHIP portal under the National Programme on Climate Change and Human Health.

Public Awareness and Communication: The advisory stresses the importance of issuing health advisories and conducting Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) activities. These aim to raise public awareness about precautionary measures against extreme heat. The National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) provides templates for IEC materials, which should be adapted and disseminated in regional languages as needed.

Capacity Building and Training: Medical officers, healthcare staff, and community health workers are to be sensitized and trained extensively on recognizing heat-related illness symptoms, providing clinical management, emergency cooling, and effective surveillance reporting.

Health Facility Preparedness: Ensuring adequate stocks of Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) packs, essential medicines, intravenous fluids, ice-packs, and necessary equipment for managing severe heat-related illnesses is prioritized. Health facilities are advised to adopt active cooling strategies and maintain sufficient drinking water availability.

Event Preparedness: Special provisions are outlined for mass gatherings and sporting events during the summer months. Health departments are instructed to collaborate closely with relevant authorities to prevent and manage heat-related illnesses effectively during such events.

Resilience to Extreme Heat: Measures to enhance health facility resilience, such as ensuring uninterrupted electricity supply, adopting energy conservation strategies, and providing adequate shade, are emphasized to minimize indoor heat impact.


The comprehensive advisory underscores India's proactive approach in preparing healthcare systems and communities to cope with the challenges posed by heatwaves. By integrating robust surveillance, proactive public engagement, and enhanced healthcare facility readiness, the Ministry aims to safeguard public health during the upcoming heatwave season.

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