Jesse Armstrong's New Film: Crisis and Comedy
Jesse Armstrong, known for HBO's 'Succession', is developing a new movie amidst a financial crisis. The film, backed by HBO Films, will reunite Armstrong with producer Frank Rich. The storyline involves four friends navigating an international financial crisis. Production is planned for later this year.
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Jesse Armstrong, best known for his work on HBO's acclaimed series 'Succession', is set to tackle a new project: a feature film amidst a financial crisis. The film will be a collaborative effort with Frank Rich, marking their reunion since working on 'Succession'.
According to Variety, the movie is based on an original concept and is being backed by HBO Films. Armstrong is currently penning the script, which centers on four friends coming together during an ongoing international financial crisis.
The project comes after 'Succession', a series celebrated for its incisive writing and dark humor, wrapped up two years ago. With Armstrong at the helm, expectations are high for another compelling story that captures both drama and satire.
(With inputs from agencies.)