Haryana CM Flags Off Pilgrims to Ayodhya Under Tirth Yatra Scheme

Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini launched a bus carrying 42 pilgrims from Ambala to Ayodhya under the 'Mukhyamantri Tirth Yatra' scheme. This initiative supports seniors from low-income families to visit significant holy sites. Saini emphasized Ambala's spiritual heritage and extended good wishes to the pilgrims.

PTI | Ambala | Updated: 17-06-2024 14:53 IST | Created: 17-06-2024 14:53 IST
Haryana CM Flags Off Pilgrims to Ayodhya Under Tirth Yatra Scheme
Nayab Singh Saini
  • Country:
  • India

Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini on Monday ceremoniously flagged off a bus carrying a group of 42 pilgrims from Ambala to Ayodhya under the 'Mukhyamantri Tirth Yatra' scheme.

This initiative, designed to support senior citizens from low-income families, aims to bring spiritual enrichment by facilitating visits to key holy sites such as Ayodhya and Varanasi. The scheme specifically targets members of families earning less than Rs 1.80 lakh annually who are over the age of 60.

Speaking during the flag-off event, Saini expressed his good wishes for the pilgrims' safe journey. He highlighted the spiritual significance of Ambala, known as the land of Maa Amba, adding that the region's name is derived from Goddess Amba, whose temple is located in the city.

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