LG Launches 'Optimism Your Feed' Campaign to Boost Positive Social Media Content

The global survey aimed to understand the triggers that affect how algorithms work and how to increase positive content in feeds.

Devdiscourse News Desk | Johannesburg | Updated: 06-06-2024 21:03 IST | Created: 06-06-2024 21:03 IST
LG Launches 'Optimism Your Feed' Campaign to Boost Positive Social Media Content
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  • South Africa

LG Electronics (LG) has launched a global campaign titled 'Optimism Your Feed,' aimed at encouraging users to enhance their social media experience by engaging with positive and inspiring content.

"As a customer-focused brand, LG is a passionate champion of optimism. We aim to create positive changes in people’s lives through intentional positive activities both online and in the real world," said Kim Hyo-eun, Vice President and Head of LG’s Brand Management Division. "In the AI era, LG remains committed to our unwavering promise of ‘Life’s Good.’ We will continue to enhance our customers’ lives with a human-centric approach, fostering hope for a better future."

A new global survey commissioned by LG revealed that social media is both a source of anxiety and a means for entertainment, staying connected with friends and family, and keeping up with news. Nearly half of the respondents (45 percent) reported that their social media feeds contain an equal or greater amount of negative content than positive. Furthermore, 28 percent claimed that negative content has increased their anxiety, while 20 percent said it has made them unhappy. Other studies suggest that algorithms often promote negative and niche conversations.

The global survey aimed to understand the triggers that affect how algorithms work and how to increase positive content in feeds. The result is the 'Optimism Your Feed' playlist, featuring original content designed to pull more optimistic content into users' feeds when interacted with. This initiative is part of LG’s global Life’s Good campaign, launched last year to inspire people to approach life with an optimistic attitude.

Created in collaboration with global influencers known for their optimistic influence, including Tina Choi, Victoria Browne, and Josh Harmon, the 'Optimism Your Feed' playlist includes over 20 short-form videos ranging from motivational to feel-good content.

Additionally, LG is consulting with social media experts such as Professor Casey Fiesler, an information scientist and technology ethicist. Fiesler's research focuses on technology ethics, internet policy, and online communities. She emphasizes the importance of digital literacy and understanding how algorithms influence online experiences. According to Fiesler, engaging with optimistic content can increase the likelihood of seeing more positive posts in social media feeds.

Victoria Browne, a global influencer and TEDx Talk speaker, said, "The algorithms on our social channels can significantly impact the content we see online, affecting our mental health. 'Optimism Your Feed' aims to retrain algorithms to encourage positivity in all aspects of our lives. By reaching out to friends and promoting positive content, we can help each other and feel more connected."

The 'Optimism Your Feed' playlist can be found on LG’s global TikTok channel (@lge_lifesgood) and global YouTube channel (@LGGlobal). It will also spread to various social media platforms through collaborations with influencers worldwide. More details are available on the campaign page on lg.com.

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