Revolutionizing Digital Economy Security with Cutting-Edge Network Protection Technologies

Gaoyu Lou's study highlights the importance of advanced network data security technologies in enhancing saliency detection and protecting data within the digital sharing economy. It emphasizes the need for innovative intrusion detection systems and robust regulatory strategies to address the challenges of rapid platform economy development.

CoE-EDP, VisionRICoE-EDP, VisionRI | Updated: 23-06-2024 16:20 IST | Created: 23-06-2024 16:20 IST
Revolutionizing Digital Economy Security with Cutting-Edge Network Protection Technologies
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Gaoyu Lou's study from the School of Economics and Management, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China explores the security challenges faced in the digital sharing economy, emphasizing the need for advanced network data security technologies. The study introduces a saliency feature fusion network based on a multi-focus mechanism, aiming to enhance the effectiveness of saliency detection tasks and secure data transmission within networks.

Revolutionizing Digital Security with Advanced Algorithms

Traditional unsupervised algorithms used in feature fusion network detection have significant limitations. These algorithms often fail to fully characterize the foreground and background, leading to poor generalization. However, recent successes with convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in various visual tasks have led to the emergence of new complex network structures, significantly improving the accuracy of saliency tasks. Despite their advancements, deep learning-based algorithms still encounter challenges, particularly due to the continuous use of pooling layers, which reduce the resolution of feature maps essential for intensive prediction tasks like saliency detection.

Innovative Approaches to Network Data Security

To address these issues, the paper proposes the fusion of deep semantic features with shallow detailed features to learn more powerful feature expressions. This approach is crucial in the context of the digital sharing economy, where platform economies rely heavily on efficient data collection, transmission systems, and powerful data processing algorithms. These platforms, by connecting vast user resources, significantly influence economic and social development. However, the competition and monopoly within this economy necessitate higher standards of government supervision.

Hybrid Solutions for Enhanced Intrusion Detection

The study introduces a hybrid intrusion detection system named MixID, which leverages various key technologies to enhance network security. It reviews literature on deep packet inspection schemes, highlighting efficient, privacy-protected schemes using homomorphic encryption technology and other advanced methods to ensure secure data packet inspection. Furthermore, it delves into the core mechanisms of feature fusion networks, explaining the use of attention mechanisms to calculate feature weights and improve the accuracy of saliency detection tasks.

Ensuring Data Integrity and Privacy in the Digital Age

Network data security is a critical concern in this study, which highlights the importance of confidentiality, integrity, usability, user identification, and access control in protecting network data. The paper proposes strategies to prevent unauthorized actions, ensure electromagnetic compatibility, and protect against natural and man-made damage. It also outlines a comprehensive network security system architecture, including modules for equipment management, mobile media management, information search, and file classification, among others.

Effective preventive measures to secure internal networks are emphasized, advocating for physical and logical isolation methods. Physical isolation involves separating internal and external networks, preventing communication between them, while logical isolation uses technical methods like VLAN to segregate specific areas for targeted security protection. The paper also discusses the critical role of government regulations and the need for continuous monitoring and innovative supervision models to prevent monopolistic behaviors in the platform economy.

In discussing the broader implications, the study emphasizes the rapid development of the Cloud Computing-driven network environment, leading to the continuous collection of massive data from IoT terminals to cloud servers. This environment fosters research and deployment of cloud-based applications but also raises significant security and privacy issues. The study calls for further research to ensure data transmission, aggregation, release, and querying while protecting user privacy.

Gaoyu Lou's study underscores the pivotal role of advanced network data security technologies in the digital sharing economy. By providing a robust framework for ensuring data security and addressing the challenges posed by the rapid development of platform economies, the study offers valuable insights into the future of digital economic development. It highlights the necessity of combining deep and shallow features in neural networks, innovative intrusion detection systems, and comprehensive regulatory strategies to secure the burgeoning digital landscape effectively.

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