Vaughan Criticizes ICC Over India's World Cup Advantage

Former England captain Michael Vaughan has alleged that the T20 World Cup is set up to favor India. He criticized the ICC for bowing to India's financial power, affecting the fairness of the tournament. Vaughan and Adam Gilchrist highlighted the discrepancies in scheduling and venue selection favoring India.

PTI | London | Updated: 27-06-2024 17:47 IST | Created: 27-06-2024 17:47 IST
Vaughan Criticizes ICC Over India's World Cup Advantage
Michael Vaughan
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Former England cricket captain Michael Vaughan has launched a scathing criticism of the International Cricket Council (ICC), alleging that the ongoing T20 World Cup is skewed in favor of India. Vaughan, 49, voiced his concerns during a podcast with Australian cricket legend Adam Gilchrist.

According to Vaughan, the World Cup scheduling heavily favors the Indian team, enabling them to play all their matches at optimal times for the Indian audience. He claimed this bias undermines the fairness of the tournament, which is supposed to be a neutral and balanced global event.

Vaughan's sentiments were echoed by Gilchrist, who noted that many Indian fans are aware of and acknowledge the compromised nature of the scheduling. The controversy calls into question the ICC's role in ensuring a level playing field for all participating nations.

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