Karnataka Hosts Pioneering National Canoe Slalom and Kayak Cross Championship

Karnataka hosts its first national-level canoe slalom and kayak cross championship. Athletes and coaches highlight the need for better understanding and infrastructure for the sport. Coaches commend the selection of Kali River as the venue and stress the importance of controlled environments for such competitions.

PTI | Bengaluru | Updated: 20-06-2024 21:12 IST | Created: 20-06-2024 19:24 IST
Karnataka Hosts Pioneering National Canoe Slalom and Kayak Cross Championship
  • Country:
  • India

Karnataka has taken a significant step in promoting water sports by hosting its first national-level canoe slalom and kayak cross championship. Coaches and athletes have emphasized the crucial need for a deeper understanding of the sport and improved infrastructure to nurture talent.

Highlighting the importance of the venue, former world championship participant Ian Vincent pointed out that the selection of a river with a controlled environment, like the dam-built Kali River, is key to ensuring safe and fair competition. Ian Vincent is a former world championship participant and now coaches the Meghalaya team, stressed that unpredictable natural rivers pose considerable risks.

George Felix, Coach and Manager of the Kerala team, echoed this sentiment. He praised the choice of Kali River and added that Aveda village's natural beauty positively impacted the participants. However, Felix underscored the need for more training academies, better funding, and government recognition for athletes in water sports.

On a positive note, Karnataka team coach Dinesh S Suvarna, with 25 years of experience, shared his pride in witnessing the championship's successful organization. Noting the overwhelming participation exceeding expectations, Suvarna expressed optimism for the future of water sports in India.

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