US Embraces Cricket: Historic T20 World Cup Matches and Rising Popularity

The United States is witnessing a historic moment by hosting T20 World Cup matches for the first time, including marquee India-Pakistan and India-US matches in New York. Major League Cricket is flourishing, with more than 400 leagues and over 200,000 players. The sport's popularity is expected to soar further.

PTI | Washington DC | Updated: 13-06-2024 08:05 IST | Created: 13-06-2024 08:05 IST
US Embraces Cricket: Historic T20 World Cup Matches and Rising Popularity
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The United States is marking a historic milestone by hosting T20 World Cup matches for the first time. Highlighting the significance, top American diplomat Richard Verma expressed immense pride and excitement for the growing embrace of cricket in the country.

At a grand reception titled 'From Bouncers to Boundaries,' Verma emphasized the event's importance, calling it the largest cricket-dedicated event ever organized by the US government. With over 400 leagues and more than 200,000 players, Major League Cricket is rapidly gaining traction nationwide.

The reception is a testament to cricket's global reach and the United States' rising influence in the sport. The T20 World Cup and upcoming international events like the FIFA World Cup 2026 and the 2028 Summer Olympics are set to further elevate the sports landscape in the country.

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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