Science News Summary: Disaster under the waves: the race to save the coral of the Caribbean

Reuters | Updated: 28-09-2019 18:36 IST | Created: 28-09-2019 18:27 IST
Science News Summary: Disaster under the waves: the race to save the coral of the Caribbean

Following is a summary of current science news briefs. Disaster under the waves: the race to save the coral of the Caribbean

Emily Hower, a research assistant at Nova Southeastern University doing field work on coral off Key West in Florida, bobs up out of the water and removes her diving mask. The news is not good. Most of the pillar coral that her team have been monitoring for years are dead. Caught in the act: a black hole rips apart an unfortunate star

Scientists have captured a view of a colossal black hole violently ripping apart a doomed star, illustrating a extraordinary and chaotic cosmic event from beginning to end for the first time using NASA's planet-hunting telescope. The U.S. space agency's orbiting Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, better known as TESS, revealed the detailed timeline of a star 375 million light-years away warping and spiraling into the unrelenting gravitational pull of a supermassive black hole, researchers said on Thursday. Scientists puzzled by really big planet orbiting really little star

Scientists are expressing surprise after discovering a solar system 30 light-years away from Earth that defies current understanding about planet formation, with a large Jupiter-like planet orbiting a diminutive star known as a red dwarf. Stars generally are much bigger than even the largest planets that orbit them. But in this case, the star and the planet are not much different in size, the researchers said on Thursday.

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