The Looming Crisis: Federal Science Funding Slated to Drop in 2025

Federal funding for scientific research in the U.S. is set to decline in 2025. This drop conflicts with the historical bipartisan support for such funding. Despite the steadiness in past decades, recent budget caps and policy challenges, coupled with rising global competition, are contributing to a crisis in scientific investment.

PTI | Arizona | Updated: 29-06-2024 10:35 IST | Created: 29-06-2024 10:35 IST
The Looming Crisis: Federal Science Funding Slated to Drop in 2025
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Arizona, Jun 29 (The Conversation) – The long-standing immunity of science funding from political gridlock in Congress is facing a critical threat as federal funding for scientific research is set to decrease in 2025.

Historically, science funding has enjoyed unwavering bipartisan support, with research dollars considered discretionary and necessary for economic competitiveness. However, recent budget caps and a partisan divide in Congress are now challenging this stability.

As a result, major science agencies are experiencing significant budget cuts, and the U.S. risks losing its edge in global scientific leadership. Urgent action is required to secure the future of American scientific research and maintain its competitive stature on the world stage.

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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