Global Urban Access: Two-Thirds of World Live Close to Large Cities, Reveals Study

A 2020 study from the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization found that only 4% of India's population lacked access to urban centres. Globally, two-thirds of people live within an hour's travel from a major city. The study emphasizes the importance of urban access for sustainable development and effective natural resource management.

PTI | New Delhi | Updated: 27-06-2024 16:18 IST | Created: 27-06-2024 16:18 IST
Global Urban Access: Two-Thirds of World Live Close to Large Cities, Reveals Study
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In 2020, only four per cent of India's population lacked access to an urban centre—a densely populated built-up area—and three per cent could access only towns within an hour of travel, according to a study published in the journal Nature Cities.

The research, led by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, examined over 30,000 urban centres worldwide. It classified these centres based on population size and facilities, ranging from towns with 20,000 residents to large cities with more than a million people offering diverse facilities.

The study revealed substantial interconnectedness, with 92 per cent of the world's population able to access urban centres within an hour. A significant 55 per cent live in or near towns or small cities, while 37 per cent are near intermediate or large cities. The study underscores the importance of urban centres for sustainable development and resource management.

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