Study Reveals Novel Electronic Mechanisms in Group IV Chalcogenides Enhancing Energy Technologies

Group IV chalcogenides are distinguished by their ability to transition reversibly between amorphous and crystalline phases in response to changes in temperature, pressure, or electrical fields.

Devdiscourse News Desk | New Delhi | Updated: 20-06-2024 18:38 IST | Created: 20-06-2024 18:38 IST
Study Reveals Novel Electronic Mechanisms in Group IV Chalcogenides Enhancing Energy Technologies
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Recent research has uncovered groundbreaking insights into a new class of materials known as Group IV chalcogenides, showcasing their potential to revolutionize energy harvesting and power generation technologies. These compounds, which include elements from groups VI and III–V of the periodic table like PbTe, SnTe, and GeTe, exhibit unique properties critical for technological advancements.

Group IV chalcogenides are distinguished by their ability to transition reversibly between amorphous and crystalline phases in response to changes in temperature, pressure, or electrical fields. This characteristic makes them ideal for applications in rewritable optical discs, electronic memory devices, and energy harvesting technologies, due to their efficient conversion of thermal energy into electrical energy via the thermoelectric effect.

Led by Professor Umesh Waghmare from the Theoretical Sciences Unit at Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR) in Bengaluru, the study delved into integrating metavalent bonding (MVB) within a single 2D layer of these chalcogenides. Published in Angewandte Chemie International Edition and supported by prestigious grants including the J. C. Bose National Fellowship of SERB-DST and JNCASR research fellowship, the research provided a theoretical analysis of five different 2D lattices of Group IV chalcogenides.

The study aimed to elucidate the electronic mechanisms governing chemical bonding within these materials, challenging traditional concepts with insights into metavalent bonding proposed by Matthias Wuttig in 2018. Metavalent bonding combines metallic and covalent features, offering a novel perspective on the properties exhibited by these materials.

Professor Waghmare highlighted the exceptional properties of these "incipient metals," noting their conductivity similar to metals, high thermoelectric efficiency akin to semiconductors, and remarkably low thermal conductivity. These properties defy conventional chemical bonding explanations, marking a significant advancement in materials science and quantum technology.

The implications of this research extend beyond theoretical understanding, with potential applications in computer flash memories and energy storage technologies. The materials' ability to alter optical properties during phase transitions from crystalline to amorphous states is already leveraged in practical applications.

Moreover, the study aligns with India's national mission on quantum technology, contributing to the development of quantum topological materials crucial for advancing quantum technologies.

In conclusion, the research published across two papers underscores the transformative potential of Group IV chalcogenides in enhancing energy technologies and exploring new frontiers in quantum materials. Professor Waghmare emphasized the importance of these findings in unraveling the unique chemistry of quantum materials, paving the way for future innovations in sustainable energy and quantum technology applications.

For further details on the research findings, refer to the published papers in Angewandte Chemie International Edition or visit JNCASR's official website for comprehensive insights.  

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