Sweltering Heat Wave Grips Midwest to New England Amidst Juneteenth

A record-breaking heat wave covered regions from the Midwest to New England on Juneteenth, including places like northern Maine. This unusual early summer heat posed significant challenges, leading cities to open cooling centers and limit outdoor activities. The National Weather Service predicts more high temperatures and humidity in the coming days.

PTI | Boston | Updated: 20-06-2024 01:19 IST | Created: 20-06-2024 01:19 IST
Sweltering Heat Wave Grips Midwest to New England Amidst Juneteenth
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A blistering heat wave on Wednesday extended from the Midwest to New England, leaving millions sweltering through the Juneteenth holiday. Even regions like northern Maine, unaccustomed to such early summer conditions, faced unprecedented heat.

Caribou, Maine, just 10 miles from the Canadian border, recorded a staggering 103 degrees on the heat index. The region was under a heat advisory till Wednesday evening. "I've seen this maybe one time before where it's been this hot in June," said Hannah Embelton, a server at a local ice cream store.

The heat wave, driven by a ridge of upper-level high pressure bringing heat from the southern U.S., is expected to peak across the eastern Great Lakes, New England, and beyond. Cities have opened cooling centers, but many venues are closed due to the holiday. The situation underscores the urgent challenges posed by climate change as heat waves become more common and prolonged.

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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