Leadership Shake-Up in Germany’s Greens Party
Germany's Greens party leaders, Omid Nouripour and Ricarda Lang, are set to announce their resignation. Franziska Brantner and Felix Banaszak are potential successors. Economy Minister Robert Habeck is also a party member. A news conference is scheduled for 0830 GMT.
Germany's Greens party is on the verge of a leadership change, according to reports from Table Media. Current co-leaders Omid Nouripour and Ricarda Lang are expected to announce their resignation.
Potential successors named by the outlet include Franziska Brantner and Felix Banaszak. The party also includes Economy Minister Robert Habeck among its members.
Further details are anticipated at a news conference scheduled for 0830 GMT. The political landscape could see significant shifts as a result of this change. (Writing by Miranda Murray Editing by Madeline Chambers)
(With inputs from agencies.)