Trial Begins for Attempted Assassination of Former Argentine VP Cristina Fernández de Kirchner

Three suspects, including a Brazilian national and his girlfriend, are on trial in Argentina for the attempted assassination of former Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. The 2022 incident shook the nation, and more than 200 witnesses are expected to testify. Fernández has expressed dissatisfaction with the investigation.

PTI | Buenosaires | Updated: 26-06-2024 23:14 IST | Created: 26-06-2024 23:14 IST
Trial Begins for Attempted Assassination of Former Argentine VP Cristina Fernández de Kirchner

The trial commenced on Wednesday before a federal court in Argentina, with three suspects accused of attempting to assassinate then-Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner two years ago. The incident, which took place on September 1, 2022, rattled the nation.

On that day, Fernández was outside her apartment, engaging with supporters, when Fernando Sabag Montiel approached her with a firearm. Although the gun clicked, no bullet was discharged. Montiel, a Brazilian national residing in Argentina for decades, was quickly apprehended by Fernández's supporters and later handed over to police. Despite later admitting to acting alone, his girlfriend Brenda Uliarte and their friend Nicolás Carrizo are also on trial as accomplices.

With proceedings expected to span a year and over 200 witnesses, Fernández has voiced concerns about the investigation's failure to explore the ideological motives behind the attack, suggesting opposition involvement. She herself is set to testify and has amplified her concerns on social media.

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