Tensions Rise as China's Foreign Ministry Rejects U.S. Claims

China's foreign ministry dismissed remarks by U.S. Ambassador Nicholas Burns as 'far-fetched' and deviating from presidential agreements. Burns accused Beijing of hindering people-to-people exchanges, according to a widely circulated Wall Street Journal report.

Reuters | Beijing | Updated: 26-06-2024 12:51 IST | Created: 26-06-2024 12:51 IST
Tensions Rise as China's Foreign Ministry Rejects U.S. Claims
  • Country:
  • China

China's foreign ministry described as "far-fetched" on Wednesday remarks by U.S. Ambassador Nicholas Burns, saying they deviated from key understandings reached by both nations' presidents.

A Wall Street Journal report widely circulated by global media had said Burns accused Beijing of making people-to-people exchange between the two countries "impossible".

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