Youngest Finance Minister in Over a Century: Jack Chambers Makes History

Jack Chambers, aged 33, will be Ireland's next finance minister and the first in over 40 years to assume the role without prior senior ministerial experience. A qualified doctor and Fianna Fail party's deputy leader, Chambers has served in various junior ministerial roles since 2020.

Reuters | Updated: 25-06-2024 17:49 IST | Created: 25-06-2024 17:49 IST
Youngest Finance Minister in Over a Century: Jack Chambers Makes History

Jack Chambers will be Ireland's next finance minister, Deputy Prime Minister Micheal Martin said on Tuesday, handing a junior minister the task of crafting the coalition's final budget before an election. Chambers will be the first finance chief in over 40 years to take on the role without previous senior ministerial experience, and aged 33, will become the youngest finance minister since Irish revolutionary leader Michael Collins just over a century ago.

He replaces Ireland's European Commission nominee Michael McGrath. Chambers, a qualified doctor, has sat at cabinet since 2020 in various junior ministerial roles and was named as his Fianna Fail party's deputy leader last week following his recent success as director of elections for local council polls.

He was elected to parliament for the first time in 2016 at the age of 25 and has also served as government chief whip.

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