Highs and Lows: Memorable Moments from Presidential Debates

The article explores standout moments from past U.S. presidential debates, highlighting how candidates' performances, whether strategic or accidental, have influenced public perception. It delves into memorable zingers, gaffes, and tactical responses, offers insights into how these events shape political narratives, and sets the stage for the upcoming Biden-Trump debate.

PTI | Washington DC | Updated: 25-06-2024 16:41 IST | Created: 25-06-2024 16:41 IST
Highs and Lows: Memorable Moments from Presidential Debates
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  • United States

Memorable moments from past U.S. presidential debates underscore how candidates' words and body language can dramatically impact public perception. Whether they're on the top of their policy game or appearing out of touch, these debates have repeatedly shaped political narratives.

''Debates, being live television events, without a script, without any way of knowing how they are going to evolve — anything can happen," said Alan Schroeder, author of "Presidential Debates: 50 years of High-Risk TV."

This Thursday, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump will face off again. Here's a look back at some of the notable highs, lows, and unexpected moments from history that may offer a glimpse into what to expect.

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