Netanyahu's Partial Ceasefire Plan Fuels Gaza Conflict Tensions

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has suggested a partial ceasefire plan in Gaza, aiming to release some hostages while continuing the war to eliminate Hamas, clashing with the US-supported proposal for a full ceasefire and Israeli troop withdrawal. This has irked families of hostages and strained US-Israel relations.

PTI | Telaviv | Updated: 24-06-2024 13:08 IST | Created: 24-06-2024 13:08 IST
Netanyahu's Partial Ceasefire Plan Fuels Gaza Conflict Tensions

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's proposal for a partial ceasefire in the ongoing Gaza conflict has stirred controversy, drawing sharp reactions from various stakeholders. The proposition aims to secure the release of some hostages held by Hamas, while continuing military operations to dismantle the militant group.

Netanyahu made these remarks during an interview on Israeli Channel 14, a statement that diverges from the US-endorsed plan which calls for a full ceasefire and the withdrawal of Israeli forces. The partial ceasefire plan has raised concerns among families of hostages, who see it as an inadequate solution and a delay tactic.

The Israeli leader's stance also poses a challenge to US diplomatic efforts, as it contradicts the comprehensive cessation of hostilities proposed by President Joe Biden. This discord further complicates attempts to negotiate a lasting peace amid the complex dynamics of the Gaza conflict.

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