Trump Outraises Biden by $60 Million Despite Legal Troubles

Donald Trump's campaign outran President Joe Biden's by over $60 million in fundraising last month. Despite Trump's felony convictions, his fundraising surged, highlighting a shift in U.S. presidential politics. The numbers indicate a tight 2024 election race, with Trump's team closing the financial gap.

PTI | Newyork | Updated: 21-06-2024 07:30 IST | Created: 21-06-2024 07:30 IST
Trump Outraises Biden by $60 Million Despite Legal Troubles

Donald Trump's campaign has outstripped President Joe Biden's efforts by over $60 million last month, leveraging a significant fundraising boost despite Trump's recent felony convictions. Federal filings made public on Thursday reveal a remarkable surge in Republican fundraising, evidently spurred by Trump's legal challenges.

Biden's campaign, together with the Democratic National Committee, managed to raise a solid $85 million in May and reported $212 million in the bank by month-end. This impressive show does not account for nearly $40 million raised by Biden and his top surrogates in recent days, nor a separate $20 million donation from former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Still, Trump's haul for the month seemed to dominate.

The Trump campaign, along with the Republican National Committee, reported a jaw-dropping $141 million raised in May, with tens of millions collected immediately after Trump's conviction in the New York hush money case. Supporting Trump further, billionaire Timothy Mellon donated $50 million to a pro-Trump super PAC following Trump's guilty verdict.

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