Rishi Sunak Poised to Lose Parliamentary Seat in Upcoming Election

A Savanta opinion poll indicates that Rishi Sunak may lose his parliamentary seat in the upcoming national election, making him the first British prime minister to do so. The poll, surveying 18,000 people, suggests a significant lead for Keir Starmer's Labour Party over the Conservatives.

Reuters | Updated: 19-06-2024 21:28 IST | Created: 19-06-2024 21:28 IST
Rishi Sunak Poised to Lose Parliamentary Seat in Upcoming Election
Rishi Sunak

Rishi Sunak is forecast to become the first sitting British prime minister to lose their own parliamentary seat at an election, a Savanta opinion poll published by the Telegraph newspaper ahead of the July 4 national vote showed.

Savanta polled around 18,000 people between June 7-18. The polling showed Sunak's Conservatives on track to be left with just 53 seats in Britain's 650-member House of Commons, with the opposition Labour Party forecast to win 516.

Most opinion polls currently place Keir Starmer's Labour about 20 percentage points ahead of the governing Conservatives in the national vote share.

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