Modi Urges Global Collaboration for Inclusive Tech and Green Initiatives

Prime Minister Narendra Modi called for converting technology monopolies into mass usage to eliminate social inequalities. Addressing the G7 Summit, he emphasized India's focus on AI transparency, energy principles, and Mission LiFE for environmental sustainability, urging global cooperation in these areas.

PTI | Bari | Updated: 15-06-2024 00:03 IST | Created: 15-06-2024 00:03 IST
Modi Urges Global Collaboration for Inclusive Tech and Green Initiatives
  • Country:
  • Italy

Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged the global community to transform the monopoly in technology into mass usage to build an inclusive society and reduce social inequalities, conveyed during the G7 Summit's Outreach session in Italy's Apulia region.

Modi highlighted India's commitment to working with all nations to ensure Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transparent, fair, secure, accessible, and responsible. Emphasizing India's principles in energy – availability, accessibility, affordability, and acceptability – he framed these priorities as essential for global cooperation.

Addressing the hardships faced by the Global South, Modi underlined India's role in elevating their concerns on the world stage. Notably, India's G20 chairmanship resulted in the African Union's permanent membership. Modi concluded with a call to join the Mission LiFE tree plantation campaign, aiming for a sustainable, green future.

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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