New Popular Front: France's Left Rallies to Block Far-Right Surge

France's left-wing parties have formed a coalition named the New Popular Front to prevent the far-right National Rally from gaining power in the upcoming parliamentary elections. This unprecedented unity aims to counter Marine Le Pen's party, addressing key issues like the war in Ukraine and the Israel-Hamas conflict while promising to overturn unpopular reforms.

PTI | Paris | Updated: 14-06-2024 22:13 IST | Created: 14-06-2024 22:13 IST
New Popular Front: France's Left Rallies to Block Far-Right Surge
  • Country:
  • France

In a decisive move, leaders of France's left-wing parties have united under the banner of the New Popular Front, aiming to avert a far-right takeover in the upcoming national parliamentary elections. This unprecedented coalition announced its plans on Friday, focusing on preventing the National Rally, led by Marine Le Pen, from achieving its first government leadership since World War II.

Despite their historical differences, the coalition members—comprising Socialists, Communists, and other left-wing factions—have found common ground on crucial matters like the Ukraine war and the Israel-Hamas conflict. Their unity is seen as essential to thwart the National Rally's surge, which was catalyzed by the fallout from recent European Parliament elections.

Prompted by President Emmanuel Macron's dissolution of the National Assembly, the New Popular Front has issued a rallying cry to its supporters to participate in what it describes as a 'historic election.' With promises to repeal controversial reforms and address economic inequalities, the coalition aims to present a clear alternative to Macron's centrist and Le Pen's far-right agendas.

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