Sri Lankan Delegation to Discuss Repatriation of Mercenaries in Russia

A Sri Lankan parliamentary delegation will visit Russia on June 26 to discuss the repatriation of mercenaries serving in the Russia-Ukraine war. Foreign Minister Ali Sabry announced the visit, which comes after talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. The delegation will address the return of Sri Lankan mercenaries hired via human smuggling operations.

PTI | Colombo | Updated: 14-06-2024 19:59 IST | Created: 14-06-2024 19:59 IST
Sri Lankan Delegation to Discuss Repatriation of Mercenaries in Russia
  • Country:
  • Sri Lanka

A Sri Lankan parliamentary delegation is set to visit Russia for a critical two-day mission beginning June 26, aiming to discuss the repatriation of mercenaries hired from the island nation to fight in the Russia-Ukraine war, Foreign Minister Ali Sabry confirmed on Friday.

The team, led by Sabry's deputy, Tharaka Balasuriya, includes two opposition parliamentarians and will focus on the logistics of bringing back these mercenaries.

This visit follows Sabry's discussions with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on the sidelines of the BRICS foreign minister's meeting in Russia this week. So far, eight suspects involved in the human smuggling operation have been arrested for sending retired military personnel to the war fronts in Russia and Ukraine.

Balasuriya mentioned that while 16 Sri Lankans remain unaccounted for, government interventions have successfully repatriated another 16. There have been 455 complaints of such mercenary departures recorded. The mercenaries reportedly took different routes, with agents duping them into using visit visas through India and the Middle East. Some of these agents are now in custody.

Relatives of the mercenaries have urged the Sri Lankan government to expedite action for their return. Sabry, who met with the families, said the Russian embassy in Colombo would enforce a stringent visa process to prevent future incidents.

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