G7 Leaders Tackle Migration, Climate Change, Ukraine Aid at Italian Summit

The Group of Seven (G7) leaders convened in Italy to address critical issues such as migration, climate change, Ukraine financial aid, and AI. Summit host Italy, heavily impacted by migration, emphasized investment in Africa. Disagreements arose over abortion reference in the final declaration, reflecting persistent divides.

PTI | Bari | Updated: 14-06-2024 19:08 IST | Created: 14-06-2024 19:08 IST
G7 Leaders Tackle Migration, Climate Change, Ukraine Aid at Italian Summit
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The Group of Seven (G7) leaders shifted their focus to migration at the outset of the second day of their summit in Italy's Puglia region. They are seeking solutions to combat human trafficking and boost investment in countries where migrants begin their perilous journeys.

In addition to migration, the summit's agenda also covered significant topics like financial aid for Ukraine, climate change, artificial intelligence, and China's industrial policy. Divisions appeared over the inclusion of abortion in the summit's final declaration, highlighting ongoing disagreements.

Italy, a primary gateway to the EU for many migrants, has been advocating for more investment in Africa to alleviate migratory pressures. Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni emphasized Africa's critical role, while G7 leaders sought unified action against trafficking rings. Other invitees included major world leaders like Pope Francis, who spoke on AI, and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

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