South Africa on the Brink: Parliament to Decide President Amid Political Deadlock

South Africa's Parliament is set to elect a president on Friday, with Cyril Ramaphosa's re-election uncertain due to a political deadlock. The ANC lost its majority and is negotiating a coalition. Key players like the DA and IFP are crucial to forming a government of national unity and securing Ramaphosa's second term.

PTI | Capetown | Updated: 13-06-2024 17:22 IST | Created: 13-06-2024 17:22 IST
South Africa on the Brink: Parliament to Decide President Amid Political Deadlock
Cyril Ramaphosa

The South African Parliament is poised for a historic decision on Friday as it elects a president amid a profound political stalemate. The major political parties' coalition agreements are still evolving, potentially reshaping the nation's leadership. Key political figures, including incumbent Cyril Ramaphosa, remain central to these high-stakes negotiations.

The African National Congress (ANC) lost its three-decade-long majority in recent elections, necessitating coalitions with other parties for governance. As the Parliament convenes in Cape Town, the timing is critical; the ANC's senior officials are deliberating barely 12 hours before the session.

Amid these developments, the Inkatha Freedom Party has pledged support for Ramaphosa, marking a significant step towards a coalition. Yet, the Democratic Alliance holds a pivotal position with its 87 seats, essential for any government coalition formation. The outcome hinges on continued negotiations and political maneuvering.

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