Marine Le Pen's National Rally Leads French Legislative Polls

A recent Elabe poll indicates that Marine Le Pen's far-right National Rally is poised to secure 31% in the first round of the French legislative elections. The left-wing alliance is projected to get 28%, surpassing President Macron's Renaissance party, which is expected to obtain 18% of the votes.

Reuters | Paris | Updated: 12-06-2024 21:45 IST | Created: 12-06-2024 21:45 IST
Marine Le Pen's National Rally Leads French Legislative Polls
Marine Le Pen
  • Country:
  • France

An Elabe poll for BFM TV and La Tribune Dimanche released on Wednesday showed Marine Le Pen's far-right National Rally (RN) party expected to win 31% of votes in the first round of the French legislative elections on June 30.

The poll also showed that the alliance of left-wing parties would get 28%, ahead of President Macron's Renaissance party, with 18% of the votes.

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