Uganda: Museveni says youth to have "ideology that drives positive transformation"

Devdiscourse News Desk | Kampala | Updated: 06-12-2020 19:24 IST | Created: 06-12-2020 19:24 IST
Uganda: Museveni says youth to have "ideology that drives positive transformation"
Representative image. Image Credit: Twitter (@KagutaMuseveni)
  • Country:
  • Uganda

To transform society youth must be ideologically oriented said Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, the President of Uganda, according to a report by New Vision.

In an event at Jinja Agricultural show ground, Museveni along with his daughter Natasha Karugire attended a meeting with youth leaders from Busoga, the sub-region in eastern Uganda.

He shared his experiences and engaged the present youths. He quoted, "I have a lot of experience with youth engagement. When we started, we were young, so when you talk about youth do not only talk about biology, but also talk about ideology that drives positive transformation. I'm very happy to see young people like you who are active and supporting NRM. We shall endeavor to empower and support the youth leaders from Busoga economically so that they can become examples to the community and who will in turn teach other young people."

Museveni, the NRM presidential candidate said that Uganda is a country of opportunities if one "wakes up". He briefed the youth to grab opportunities. "I will be very happy for you to become examples of your area as change agents," he said.

He precisely focused on educating youth about politics, as he said, "let people vote you because of your ability to lead them, not because you have bought them". He said politics must show the way instead of declaring themselves as the only light bearer. He told them to bring opportunity to themselves, "so we have agreed: You go and visit my farm, campaign in schools, after elections, we shall empower you economically and you become examples of the rest," he said.

While the youth reportedly applauded Museveni's consistent support and consideration for them as they professed to deliver him over 75% win.

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