Engineering Student's Path: Tragedy Unfolds in Nagpur
In Nagpur, a 25-year-old engineering student named Utkarsh Dhakhole allegedly murdered his parents due to educational disputes. The incident was uncovered after neighbors detected a foul odor. Utkarsh, who confessed, reportedly killed his mother and father on December 26, following disagreements about his academic path.
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- India
A distressing incident has surfaced in Nagpur's Kapil Nagar area, where a 25-year-old engineering student allegedly murdered his parents over educational discord, police revealed on Wednesday.
Authorities found the decomposed bodies of Liladhar Dhakhole, 55, and his wife Aruna, 50, after neighbors reported a foul smell. Their son, Utkarsh Dhakhole, has confessed to the crime.
The double homicide reportedly stemmed from a disagreement about Utkarsh's academic struggles and career, leading to this tragic outcome, according to police sources.
(With inputs from agencies.)