Protests Erupt in Karachi Over Blasphemy Death Sentence

Civil society members gathered in Karachi to protest the death sentence handed to Ehsan Shan, a Christian man accused of sharing blasphemous content. The sentence follows sectarian violence in Punjab, where homes and churches were burned over alleged holy book desecration. Protesters demand justice and Shan's release.

PTI | Karachi | Updated: 02-07-2024 19:26 IST | Created: 02-07-2024 19:26 IST
Protests Erupt in Karachi Over Blasphemy Death Sentence
  • Country:
  • Pakistan

In Karachi, a civil society outcry emerged as dozens protested against the death sentence given to Ehsan Shan, a Christian condemned on blasphemy charges. The protests, led by various activists including Christians, followed the court's declaration of Shan's guilt for sharing inflammatory content online.

Shan's controversial arrest in August 2023 came after fierce sectarian violence in Jaranwala, Punjab, where enraged groups torched Christian homes and churches. Allegations arose after claims of Quran desecration by two Christian men, who were later detained.

Christian leader Luke Victor voiced at the Karachi rally, urging Shan's release. He also called for accountability for the arsonists targeting Christian properties. Pakistan's stringent blasphemy laws, while severe, often ignite mob violence and unrest, despite death sentences for blasphemy rarely being executed.

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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