Farooq Abdullah Urges Government for Balanced Security Measures During Amarnath Yatra

National Conference president Farooq Abdullah calls on the government to ensure the safety of Amarnath Yatra pilgrims without disrupting the lives of the general public. Highlighting lessons from the tragic 2022 incident, Abdullah emphasizes the need for balanced and well-coordinated security and public service measures.

PTI | Srinagar | Updated: 27-06-2024 21:47 IST | Created: 27-06-2024 21:47 IST
Farooq Abdullah Urges Government for Balanced Security Measures During Amarnath Yatra
Farooq Abdullah
  • Country:
  • India

National Conference president Farooq Abdullah has called on the government to implement robust measures to safeguard Amarnath Yatra pilgrims.

The first batch of pilgrims will depart for Kashmir from Jammu on Friday, initiating this year's pilgrimage.

Abdullah stressed the importance of avoiding a repeat of the 2022 tragedy, where flash floods caused by a cloudburst near the Amarnath Cave shrine resulted in several deaths.

However, he asserted that security measures should not inconvenience the general public.

'The stakes are high. The government must ensure that all necessary arrangements are in place for the Amarnath Yatra. While security for the yatris is crucial, it shouldn't be at the expense of inconveniencing the general public,' Abdullah said.

He emphasized the need for a balanced approach to security measures to ensure that critical services are not disrupted.

'There is a pressing need to strike a balance so that security measures don't disrupt normal public transportation and emergency services.'

'The issue of restrictions on civilian vehicles along the Amarnath Yatra routes should be addressed as it's impacting tourism in the Kashmir Valley, especially during the peak season. Let's ensure both the pilgrims and local businesses thrive during this sacred time,' he added.

Abdullah also advocated for well-coordinated strategies to manage the anticipated surge in pilgrims, including traffic control, parking, emergency response protocols, sufficient medical facilities, and disaster management plans to handle any emergencies during the pilgrimage.

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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