Govt Commits to Restoring Law and Order Amidst Alarming New Crime Data

“The latest data is shameful, with New Zealanders experiencing 1.88 million incidents of crime between November 2022 and October 2023,” stated Goldsmith.

Devdiscourse News Desk | Wellington | Updated: 27-06-2024 13:34 IST | Created: 27-06-2024 13:34 IST
Govt Commits to Restoring Law and Order Amidst Alarming New Crime Data
The survey revealed that 185,000 New Zealanders experienced 449,000 incidents of violent crime, including physical and sexual assault, and robbery. Image Credit:
  • Country:
  • New Zealand

Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith has underscored the critical nature of the Government's plan to restore law and order in light of the latest New Zealand Crime and Victims Survey data.

“The latest data is shameful, with New Zealanders experiencing 1.88 million incidents of crime between November 2022 and October 2023,” stated Goldsmith.

The survey revealed that 185,000 New Zealanders experienced 449,000 incidents of violent crime, including physical and sexual assault, and robbery.

“Sadly, the survey found more New Zealanders felt unsafe than the year prior, even if they weren’t a victim of a crime. This is unacceptable. That’s why this Government backs the Police to do their job more effectively and will ensure there are serious consequences for crime,” Goldsmith emphasized.

The Government has set two clear targets: reducing the number of violent crime victims by 20,000 by 2029 and reducing serious repeat youth offending by 15 percent.

“Yesterday, I announced a sentencing reform package to ensure criminals face serious consequences for crime, the needs of victims are prioritized, and faith in our justice system is restored,” said Goldsmith.

The Government is also supporting the police in targeting criminal gangs, restoring the Three Strikes legislation, increasing the number of officers on the beat, establishing military-style academies, creating a new Youth Serious Offender category, and expediting court processes.

“This Government will not sit by and let these figures get worse. We’re taking action and will ensure all Kiwis feel safe in their communities,” Goldsmith concluded.

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