Julian Assange's Return: A Controversial Two-Decade Journey

The U.S. State Department stated its limited involvement in Julian Assange's case resolution, reiterating that his WikiLeaks actions risked lives. Despite this, Assange received a warm welcome in Australia after pleading guilty to U.S. espionage law violations, concluding a 14-year legal battle.

Reuters | Washington DC | Updated: 26-06-2024 23:23 IST | Created: 26-06-2024 23:23 IST
Julian Assange's Return: A Controversial Two-Decade Journey
Julian Assange
  • Country:
  • United States

The U.S. State Department said on Wednesday its involvement in the resolution of Julian Assange's case was very limited but a department spokesperson reiterated the American position that the Wikileaks founder's actions had put lives at risk. The State Department spokesperson was asked by reporters in a press briefing on Wednesday to give examples of harm caused by the Wikileaks releases but did not provide any.

Assange landed to an ecstatic welcome in Australia on Wednesday after pleading guilty to violating U.S. espionage law in a deal that sets him free from a 14-year legal battle.

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