Baldwin's Defense Challenges FBI Over Damaged Gun Evidence

Alec Baldwin's defense attorneys argue that damage to a revolver during FBI testing has hampered their ability to mount a proper defense in his involuntary manslaughter trial. They requested the dismissal of the charge, while prosecutors maintain there is adequate evidence for the case to proceed. The judge's ruling is expected on Friday.

PTI | Santafe | Updated: 25-06-2024 10:45 IST | Created: 25-06-2024 10:45 IST
Baldwin's Defense Challenges FBI Over Damaged Gun Evidence
Alec Baldwin

In a heated virtual court hearing on Monday, Alec Baldwin's defense team argued that FBI testing damage to a revolver crucial to the 'Rust' shooting case has critically impaired their defense strategy. They urged the New Mexico judge to dismiss the involuntary manslaughter charge against Baldwin.

Defense attorney John Bash asserted, 'They understood that this was potentially exculpatory evidence and they destroyed it anyway. It's outrageous and it requires dismissal.' Despite this, prosecutors contended that sufficient evidence remains for Baldwin to defend himself at trial.

Judge Mary Marlowe Sommer is set to rule on the dismissal motion by Friday. The stakes are high, as past FBI tests broke the weapon in question, complicating Baldwin's defense plans. Nevertheless, prosecutors argue the evidence still supports proceeding with the trial, even as Baldwin faces the high-profile legal challenge.

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